JMD Studio Policies
Payment Policies
The 24-25 tuition is broken up into 10 equal installments which can be paid in full in the beginning of the year (by Oct 1st) for a 3-5% discount or can be broken up into 10 equal amounts and be paid monthly.
Mini Session tuition is due in full at the time of registration.
Tuition is due on the 1st of each month.
A late fee of $15 or 15% (whichever is greater) will be applied to any accounts unpaid by the 10th of each month.
There will be a $25 fee applied to any returned checks.
There will be a $40 fee applied to any chargebacks.
Any students with accounts overdue for more than 30 days will not be permitted to participate in class.
Students will not be permitted to perform if there is an account balance.
*Please note that if you choose to make monthly payments that tuition is broken into ten equal installments and does not change based on the amount of classes taken within a particular month. There may be an uneven number of classes in each month, but that will not affect the payment due. All classes are guaranteed to meet at least 30 times throughout the ten months.
Mini Session tuition is due at the time of registration. Payment will be automatically withdrawn from your account within 48 hours. A 50% refund will be granted for withdrawals up until two weeks from the start date of classes or camps, after the two week window no refund will be given.
Tuition and Fees:
$40 Yearly non-refundable Registration Fee, $70 Registration Fee per family (This fee applies only to the 2024-2025 session, not mini sessions). $35/$65 Early Bird Registration Fee through September 1st.
First and Last Month Tuition installment is due at time of registration. Registration fees and first and last month tuition are nonrefundable.
Tuition is broken up into 9 equal installments from September through May.
2023-2024 Tuition as follows:
45 Minutes of Class Per Week - $67/Month
1 Hour of Class Per Week - $72/Month
1.25 Hours of Class Per Week - $85/Month
2 Hours of Class Per Week - $140/Month
3 Hours of Class Per Week - $200/Month
4 Hours of Class Per Week - $255/Month
5 Hours of Class Per Week - $305/Month
6+ Hours of Class Per Week - $355/Month
There is a 5% discount for each additional dancer in each immediate family. No refunds will be issued for classes missed, however students may make up class by attending another class of a similar level.
Costumes: Students participating in recital classes will be required to purchase a costume for each recital class they are enrolled in. Early Bird Costume Payments are Due November 15th. Age 5 and under class costumes are $70 each and age 5+ class costumes are $80 each. Final Costume payments are due January 15th, Age 5 and under class costumes are $80 each and age 5+ costumes are $90 each. Costume fees are NON REFUNDABLE.
Recital Fees:
The required recital t-shirt will be $20. All recital fees will be due in May and you will receive more information as we get closer.
Withdrawal Policies
If you decide to withdrawal your dancer at any time throughout the school year season contract, you must provide written confirmation of withdrawal. Any outstanding fees will be due upon withdrawal. If we do not receive confirmation of withdrawal, tuition will continue to be posted and be owed. Tuition and fees left unpaid tuition past three months will be sent to collections.
Studio Policies
Jump Move Dance follows the Carroll County School District for day time classes on all weather related closures and will close accordingly HOWEVER, we will make a final call by 2pm on school closure days whether we will be open or not in the evening. Please stay alert to your e-mail or our social media pages for updates. Classes can be made up by attending another class of a similar level.
~ All classes will meet at least 30 times in the season. We will not reschedule classes due to weather cancellation, however, if a certain day is missed enough and that class drops below the 30 guaranteed classes, we will schedule a weather make up day.
Dancers are expected to be kind, courteous, and respectful of teachers and peers at all times.
Dancers will abide by the dress code for each class. ( Listed Below)
No street shoes are allowed in the dance classrooms.
At no time are dancers permitted to have gum during class.
The only food or drink permitted in the classrooms is water.
All students enrolled in Pointe are required to take TWO ballet classes per week.
All students enrolled in Ballet Technique, must take one additional ballet class every week.
These requirements are for the safety of the dancers and to improve their technique and knowledge to help them succeed in other styles.
Dress Code:
Students are expected to come to class prepared to learn. Dancers must be in form fitting athletic clothing and hair neatly pulled back away from the face and neck. Appropriate shoes must be worn in each class. No loose or distracting jewelry should be worn to class. For specifics please view the table below to be sure your child is fully prepared for class.
We sell the specific brands and styles required class shoes (except Hip Hop shoes) at our studio and prefer you to purchase them here.
Download a PDF of the JMD Dress Code HERE
Code of Conduct
All students, parents, and faculty of Jump Move Dance are expected to be positive, encouraging, and professional at all times.
No street shoes are allowed in the dance classrooms.
There is a NO GOSSIP policy at JMD that is taken very seriously, our classrooms and lobby areas are not the place to be negative. If there is a problem please seek the director and bring it to her attention immediately so that it can be handled properly.
Please do not discuss the abilities of any students other than your own. Our faculty will abide by this and we ask that you respect that.
At all events including recitals, competitions, and any other performances we expect that both our dancers and parents are respectful and courteous.
Jump Move Dance reserves the right to dismiss anyone who does not comply with the Code of Conduct.
By enrolling in classes, I waive any liability against Jump Move Dance and any and all faculty on behalf of my child for any personal injury or loss of property while participating in any activity or any class offered by the school. In case of an emergency illness or injury in which I cannot be present or reached, I authorize Jump Move Dance to seek the necessary medical attention for my child.
By enrolling in classes. I give permission for my child to be photographed or videotaped. I realize that these medias may be used by Jump Move Dance to publicize their business and understand that they may appear on the Jump Move Dance website and other advertising platforms. I will not expect compensation for the use of said materials.
I have read and understand the above policies and I agree to abide by these policies while my child is enrolled in Jump Move Dance. I will be responsible for all charges/payments for this account.