JMD Company Programs
Our company programs take your dancers training to the next level!
Studio ~ Competitive ~ Performance
Our company programs can be tailored to fit your families personal preferences and needs for budget, schedule, and level of commitment. We know competitive dance is at the top of some of our dancers wish lists, but we also know that it isn’t for everyone, so we’ve built our programming to be customizable to what your dancer needs and will work with each individual to place them in the best schedule. All of our company classes are by audition only. These programs are built for dancers looking to increase training, grow and learn at a faster pace, and hoping for additional performance opportunities. Our company programs are a close knit family, please reach out with any questions!
Studio Company
Our Studio Company Program is our non competitive track. These classes are taught at the advanced level. Studio Company dancers will participate in our Company Winter Showcase as well as our Annual Spring Recital. Currently we offer Studio Company level classes in the following styles: Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Acro, Pointe, and Technique.
Performance Company
Our Performance Company Program participates in community events throughout the season as well as one competition in the spring. They also participate in our Company Winter Showcase and our Annual Spring Recital. Performance Company dancers are required to take a minimum of two additional classes per week.
Competitive Company
Our Competitive Company Program is for dancers and families who are looking for a full commitment. These dancers compete at three regionals and one nationals as well as one optional and one required convention each year. That also participate in studio company classes and perform in our Company Winter Showcase and our Annual Spring Recital as well as our Competitive Company Intro in February.
Auditions for the 2025-2026 season
Studio Company Evaluations -
Ballet/Jazz Evaluations
Ages 5-6 - Tuesday, June 10th 4:45-5:45pm - $20
**This age group only has to attend this session for consideration for all three company programs**
Ages 7-9 - Monday, June 9th 5:00-7:00pm - $30
Ages 10+ - Tuesday, June 10th 5:45-8:00pm - $30
Tap Evaluations
Ages 7-9 - Monday, June 9th 7:30-8:30pm - $10 ($5 discount with ballet/jazz eval)
Ages 10+ - Tuesday, June 10th 8:30-9:00pm - $10 ($5 discount with ballet/jazz eval)
Performance Company Auditions -
**This audition is for dancers interested in performance company and NOT competitive company. If dancers are interested in both, they should attend the Competitive Company Auditions in July**
Ages 7-9 - Monday, June 9th 7:00-7:30pm - $10
Ages 10+ - Tuesday, June 10th 8:00-8:30pm - $10
Competitive Company Auditions -
**Dancers who attend competitive company auditions will also be considered for performance company**
Ages 7+ - Friday, July 11th 9:00am-3:00pm - $30
($15 discount for those who attend JMD Intensive July 7th-10th)